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home in Oregon, Monday, 1995-08-21(2) 19:00 local (Z-7)

Home again. But something's missing. C.J. Sure seems strange to be here without her, but she left me home baked brownies in the freezer.

The washing machine is going, and it only has in it clothes used on the road. An hour from now I'll be all packed to go again...and that is the last I will worry about that until I pick up the bags to leave on the 29th. Once the bag is packed, I will need nothing from it during my time at home, nothing additional will have to be put into it before I leave. The same is true of my flight bag. I finally have duplicates of everything needed at home and on the road. All of the underwear in the bag is of one kind, and I never use that kind while at home. Duplicate vitamins, duplicate Desenex, duplicate electric razors, duplicate nose hair scissors (yes, I have reached that age). I mean, this is ORGANIZATION. No haphazardness here. Only serious order is allowed!! In fact, in case of a power failure, I could find everything in the bags in the dark now without problem and with no wasted motion.

The weather is forecast to remain good, at least in the short term. I figure this is my last little bit of summer at home. Jean will get home Thursday evening.

Everybody take care...Terry

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