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Paris, Friday, 1995-07-14 08:00 local (Z+2)

Today is Bastille Day in France. It's their equivalent of the 4th of July. The fireworks last night and the event at the Eiffel Tower were the beginnings of the celebration.

I just came from breakfast (compliments of Tower or else I would have had to have gone to McDonald's down the street). I actually did have one French pastry and a croissant.

I forgot to answer the religious trivia question in my last transmitted message. Did Moses get to the promised land? No, he did not. God did not permit him to enter it because he had exhibited a lack of faith. I forget what he had done to incur the deity's displeasure. However, he was permitted to view the promised land from the wrong side of the Jordan River and, as a consolation prize, was taken directly into heaven without having to suffer the indignity of death. Next question is: what other person was taken directly into heaven without having to die (there have only been two according to the official record) and what was the method of his transport? Standby for answer on the next installment.

I never did get around to answering that second question in a journal post. The answer is the prophet Elijah. Why do I know such trivia? I've been an atheist for over 50 years, but there was a time, when I hadn't yet learned to think for myself, that I accepted religous mythology as truth. I am now truly embarassed about that.

Everybody take care...Terry

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