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Johannesburg, Sunday, 1997-07-20 07:30 local (Z+2)

Hello, My Love,

This is turning out to be a killer trip, mostly because of Tower's lack of good maintenance and preplanning. We finally got into Johannesburg, South Africa yesterday afternnon four and one half hours late. The passengers were furious; it was all Tower's fault, plain and simple. I immediately went to bed and slept 12 hours solid, until 04:00 this morning.

It's 07:30 local here now, that means 22:30 Saturday night in Oregon. I'm tempted to call you just to hear your voice, but I'm sure a call from South African would be quite expensive, so I'll content myself with this e-mail. I suspect I'll probably call from the U.K. when we get back there. We're due to leave this afternoon to operate all night back to London Gatwick through Harare.

I was pleasantly surprised to find out that logging on from Johannesburg worked the first time. I picked up my e-mail, and hopefully logging on will work equally well when I go to send this.

The captain may be getting a little pissed at me—I've made two good landings, he's made two clunkers. <g>

I woke up this morning with that “my life is passing and I'm not getting anything done” feeling. It was really bad until I forced myself to fully wake up. I've got to do something about that. At this point I think that the writing and/or software development is the best antidote for that. Certainly being a Tower first officer isn't, or at least it doesn't appear do.

Well, I'm almost out of battery power, and I don't have an adapter that fits their electrical sockets here. I'm going to go down to the concierge and see if I can get one.

Later, my love...Terry

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